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Text File | 1992-04-20 | 21.8 KB | 752 lines | [ TEXT/PJMM]
unit TCPStuff; { This program was written by Peter N Lewis, Mar 1992 in THINK Pascal 4.0.1 } interface uses TCPTypes; const Minimum_TCPBUFFERSIZE = 4096; Default_TCPBUFFERSIZE = longInt(6) * 1024; { Amount of space to allocate for each TCP connection } INCOMINGBUFSIZE = 100; { Incoming buffer size, used for buffering ReceiveUpTo. } control_block_max = 260; tooManyControlBlocks = -23098; type OSErrPtr = ^OSErr; { TCP connection description: } TCPConnectionType = record magic: OSType; { A magic number to try and avoid problems with released connection IDs. } stream: StreamPtr; asends, asendcompletes: longInt; closedone: boolean; closeuserptr: OSErrPtr; incomingPtr: Ptr; { Pointer into inBuf of next byte to read. } incomingSize: longInt; { Number of bytes left in inBuf. } buffer: ptr; { connection buffer. } inBuf: array[1..INCOMINGBUFSIZE] of SignedByte; {Input buffer. } end; TCPConnectionPtr = ^TCPConnectionType; MyControlBlock = record tcp: TCPControlBlock; inuse: boolean; userptr: OSErrPtr; proc: procPtr; tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr; end; MyControlBlockPtr = ^MyControlBlock; TCPStateType = (T_WaitingForOpen, T_Closed, T_Listening, T_Opening, T_Established,{} T_Closing, T_PleaseClose, T_Unknown); function TCPNameToAddr (var hostName: str255; timeout: longInt; var hostFile: str255): longInt; function TCPOpenResolver (var hostFile: str255; var dataptr: ptr): OSErr; function TCPStrToAddr (dataptr: ptr; var hostName: str255; var rtnStruct: hostInfo; var done: signedByte): OSErr; procedure TCPAddrToStr (dataptr: ptr; addr: longInt; var addrStr: str255); function TCPAddrToName (dataptr: ptr; addr: longInt; var rtnStruct: hostInfo; var done: signedByte): OSErr; procedure TCPCloseResolver (dataptr: ptr); function C2PStr (s: stringPtr): stringPtr; procedure SanitizeHostName (var s: str255); function TCPInit: OSErr; procedure TCPFinish; function TCPGetMyIPAddr (var myIP: longInt): OSErr; function TCPActiveOpen (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr; buffersize: longInt; localport: integer; remoteIP: longInt; remoteport: integer; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; function TCPPassiveOpen (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr; buffersize: longInt; localport: integer; remoteIP: longInt; remoteport: integer; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; function TCPFlush (connection: TCPConnectionptr): OSErr; function TCPClose (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; function TCPAbort (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): OSErr; function TCPRelease (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr): OSErr; procedure TCPRawState (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; var state: integer; var localhost: longInt; var localport: integer; var remotehost: longInt; var remoteport: integer; var available: longInt); function TCPState (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): TCPStateType; function TCPCharsAvailable (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): longInt; function TCPLocalPort (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): integer; function TCPRawReceiveChars (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; returnPtr: ptr; readCount: integer): OSErr; { Use EITHER RawReceive, or the other Receives. Don't combine them for one stream! } function TCPReceiveChars (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; returnPtr: ptr; readCount: integer): OSErr; function TCPReadByte (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; timeout: longInt; var b: SignedByte): OSErr; function TCPReceiveUpTo (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; termChar: signedByte;{} charTimeOut: longInt; readPtr: ptr; readSize: longInt; var readPos: longInt;{} var gottermchar: boolean): OSErr; function TCPSend (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; writePtr: ptr; writeCount: integer): OSErr; function TCPSendAsync (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; writePtr: ptr; writeCount: integer; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; implementation { Loosely based on code by Harry Chesley 12/88, thus Copyright © 1988 Apple Computer, Inc.} { Converted to sensible pascal interface 7/91 by Peter Lewis, thus also Copyright © 1991 Peter Lewis } const MAGICNUMBER = 'TMGK'; { Unique value used to trap illegal connection IDs. } dispose_block_max = 100; type MyControlBlockArray = array[1..control_block_max] of MyControlBlockPtr; var driver_refnum: integer; controlblocks: MyControlBlockArray; max_dispose_block: integer; disposeblocks: array[1..dispose_block_max] of ptr; procedure SanitizeHostName (var s: str255); var dummysp: stringPtr; begin dummysp := C2PStr(@s); {$PUSH} {$R-} if s[Length(s)] = '.' then s[0] := chr(Length(s) - 1); {$POP} end; function GetA6: ptr; inline $2F4E, $0000; procedure CallCompletion (cbp: MyControlBlockPtr; addr: procPtr); inline $205F, $4E90; {$PUSH} {$D-} procedure IOCompletion; { All C functions look like pascal paramterless procedures from the procs point of view } type stackframe = packed record frameptr: ptr; returnptr: ptr; paramblockptr: MyControlBlockPtr; end; stackframeptr = ^stackframe; var a6: stackframeptr; cbp: MyControlBlockPtr; begin a6 := stackframeptr(GetA6); cbp := a6^.paramblockptr; with cbp^ do begin if userptr <> nil then userptr^ := cbp^.tcp.ioResult; inuse := false; if proc <> nil then CallCompletion(cbp, proc); end; end; procedure ZotBlocks; begin while max_dispose_block > 0 do begin DisposPtr(disposeblocks[max_dispose_block]); max_dispose_block := max_dispose_block - 1; end; end; procedure AddBlock (p: univ ptr); begin if max_dispose_block < dispose_block_max then begin max_dispose_block := max_dispose_block + 1; disposeblocks[max_dispose_block] := p; end; end; procedure ZeroCB (var cb: TCPControlBlock; stream: StreamPtr; call: integer); { Zero out the control block parameters. } var i: integer; p: longInt; begin ZotBlocks; for p := longInt(@cb) to longInt(@cb) + SizeOf(TCPControlBlock) - 1 do ptr(p)^ := 0; cb.tcpStream := stream; cb.ioCRefNum := driver_refnum; cb.csCode := call; end; function GetCB (var cbp: MyControlBlockPtr; tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr; call: integer; userptr: OSErrPtr; proc: procptr): OSErr; { NOTE: Must not move memory if there is a free block available (ie, during a Completion call) } var i: integer; begin i := 1; while (i < control_block_max) & (controlblocks[i] <> nil) & controlblocks[i]^.inuse do i := i + 1; cbp := controlblocks[i]; if cbp = nil then begin cbp := MyControlBlockPtr(NewPtr(SizeOf(MyControlBlock))); if cbp <> nil then begin cbp^.inuse := false; controlblocks[i] := cbp; end; end; if (cbp <> nil) & not cbp^.inuse then begin ZeroCB(cbp^.tcp, tcpc^.stream, call); cbp^.tcp.ioCompletion := @IOCompletion; cbp^.inuse := true; cbp^.userptr := userptr; cbp^.tcpc := tcpc; cbp^.proc := proc; if userptr <> nil then userptr^ := inprogress; GetCB := noErr; end else begin cbp := nil; GetCB := memFullErr; end; end; procedure FreeCB (var cbp: MyControlBlockPtr); begin if cbp <> nil then cbp^.inuse := false; cbp := nil; end; {$POP} {$S Init} function TCPInit: OSErr; var oe: OSErr; i: integer; begin max_dispose_block := 0; oe := OpenDriver('.IPP', driver_refnum); for i := 1 to control_block_max do controlblocks[i] := nil; TCPInit := oe; end; {$S Term} procedure TCPFinish; var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to control_block_max do if controlblocks[i] <> nil then begin DisposPtr(ptr(controlblocks[i])); controlblocks[i] := nil; end; end; {$S} procedure DestroyConnection (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr); begin connection^.magic := '????'; if connection^.buffer <> nil then DisposPtr(ptr(connection^.buffer)); DisposPtr(Ptr(connection)); connection := nil; end; function ValidateConnection (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): OSErr; begin if connection = nil then ValidateConnection := connectionDoesntExist else if connection^.magic <> MAGICNUMBER then ValidateConnection := connectionDoesntExist else ValidateConnection := noErr; end; function PBControlSync (var cb: TCPControlBlock): OSErr; begin PBControlSync := PBControl(@cb, false); end; {$PUSH} {$D-} function PBControlAsync (var cbp: MyControlBlockPtr): OSErr; var oe: OSErr; begin oe := PBControl(ParmBlkPtr(cbp), true); if oe <> noErr then FreeCB(cbp); PBControlAsync := oe; end; {$POP} function TCPGetMyIPAddr (var myIP: longInt): OSErr; var cb: TCPControlBlock; oe: OSErr; begin ZeroCB(cb, nil, TCPcsGetMyIP); oe := PBControlSync(cb); myIP := cb.getmyip.ourAddress; TCPGetMyIPAddr := oe; end; procedure SetUserPtr (userptr: OSErrPtr; oe: OSErr); begin if userptr <> nil then begin if oe <> noErr then userptr^ := oe; end; end; function CreateStream (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr; buffersize: longInt): OSErr; var oe: OSErr; cb: TCPControlBlock; begin connection := TCPConnectionPtr(NewPtr(sizeof(TCPConnectionType))); if connection = nil then oe := memFullErr else with connection^ do begin buffer := NewPtr(buffersize); if buffer = nil then begin oe := memFullErr; DisposPtr(ptr(connection)); connection := nil; end else begin magic := MAGICNUMBER; asends := 0; asendcompletes := 0; closedone := false; incomingSize := 0; ZeroCB(cb, nil, TCPcsCreate); cb.create.rcvBuff := buffer; cb.create.rcvBuffLen := buffersize; oe := PBControlSync(cb); stream := cb.tcpStream; end; end; if (oe <> noErr) and (connection <> nil) then DestroyConnection(connection); CreateStream := oe; end; function PAOpen (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr; cs: integer; buffersize: longInt; localport: integer; remoteIP: longInt; remoteport: integer; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; var oe, ooe: OSErr; cbp: MyControlBlockPtr; cb: TCPControlBlock; begin oe := CreateStream(connection, buffersize); if oe = noErr then begin with connection^ do begin oe := GetCB(cbp, connection, cs, userptr, nil); if oe = noErr then begin cbp^.tcp.open.localPort := localPort; cbp^.tcp.open.remoteHost := remoteIP; cbp^.tcp.open.remotePort := remoteport; oe := PBControlAsync(cbp); end; if oe <> noErr then begin ZeroCB(cb, stream, TCPcsRelease); ooe := PBControlSync(cb); DestroyConnection(connection); end; end; end; SetUserPtr(userptr, oe); PAOpen := oe; end; { Open a connection to another machine } function TCPActiveOpen (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr; buffersize: longInt; localport: integer; remoteIP: longInt; remoteport: integer; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; begin TCPActiveOpen := PAOpen(connection, TCPcsActiveOpen, buffersize, localport, remoteIP, remoteport, userptr); end; { Open a socket on this machine, to wait for a connection } function TCPPassiveOpen (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr; buffersize: longInt; localport: integer; remoteIP: longInt; remoteport: integer; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; begin TCPPassiveOpen := PAOpen(connection, TCPcsPassiveOpen, buffersize, localport, remoteIP, remoteport, userptr); end; function TCPRawReceiveChars (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; returnPtr: ptr; readCount: integer): OSErr; { Return readCount characters from the TCP connection. } { WARNING: Doesnt handle incoming buffer, so don't use with TCPReceiveUptp or ReadByte } var cb: TCPControlBlock; oe: OSErr; begin repeat ZeroCB(cb, connection^.stream, TCPcsRcv); cb.receive.rcvBuff := returnPtr; cb.receive.rcvBuffLength := readCount; oe := PBControlSync(cb); longInt(returnPtr) := longInt(returnPtr) + cb.receive.rcvBuffLength; readCount := readCount - cb.receive.rcvBuffLength; until (oe <> noErr) or (readCount = 0); TCPRawReceiveChars := oe; end; { Return readCount characters from the TCP connection.} function TCPReceiveChars (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; returnPtr: ptr; readCount: integer): OSErr; var readCountStr: Str255; l: longInt; p: Ptr; oe: OSErr; cb: TCPControlBlock; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); if oe = noErr then if readCount < 0 then oe := invalidLength else if readCount > 0 then begin p := returnPtr; with connection^ do if incomingSize > 0 then begin { Read as much as there is or as much as we need, whichever is less. } if readCount < incomingSize then l := readCount else l := incomingSize; BlockMove(incomingPtr, p, l); incomingPtr := Ptr(ord4(incomingPtr) + l); incomingSize := incomingSize - l; p := Ptr(ord4(p) + l); readCount := readCount - l; end; { If there's more needed, then read it from the connection. } if readCount > 0 then begin { Issue a read and wait until it all arrives). } oe := TCPRawReceiveChars(connection, p, readCount); end; end; TCPReceiveChars := oe; end; function TCPReadByte (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; timeout: longInt; var b: SignedByte): OSErr; { Return the next byte in the buffer, reading more in if necessary. } var waitUntil: longInt; readIn: longInt; oe: OSErr; cb: TCPControlBlock; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); if oe = noErr then with connection^ do begin { Check if we need to read in more bytes. } if incomingSize = 0 then begin if timeout = 0 then oe := commandTimeout else begin waitUntil := TickCount + timeout; { keep on trying to read until we get at least one, or the time-out happens. } while (oe = noErr) and (incomingSize = 0) do begin { Get the status. } readIn := TCPCharsAvailable(connection); { If there's something there to read, do so. } if readIn > 0 then begin { Don't read any more than will fit in the buffer. } if readIn > INCOMINGBUFSIZE then readIn := INCOMINGBUFSIZE; { Issue the read. } oe := TCPRawReceiveChars(connection, @inBuf, readIn); if oe = noErr then begin incomingSize := readIn; incomingPtr := @inBuf; end; end { If not, do another round or get out, depending on the timeout condition. } else if TickCount > waitUntil then begin oe := commandTimeOut; end; end; end; end; { Get the byte to return. } if incomingSize > 0 then begin b := incomingPtr^; incomingPtr := Ptr(ord4(incomingPtr) + 1); incomingSize := incomingSize - 1; end else b := 0; end; TCPReadByte := oe; end; { Pass in a block of memory (readPtr,readSize), already containing readPos bytes} { TCPReceiveUpTo will then read characters until a termChar character is reached,} { or until waitForChars ticks go by without receiving any bytes. If waitForChars is} { zero, then TCPReceiveUpTo will return immediately. If termChar=0, then it} { will read the entire buffer, and any characters that arrive before a timeout } function TCPReceiveUpTo (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; termChar: signedByte;{} charTimeOut: longInt; readPtr: ptr; readSize: longInt; var readPos: longInt;{} var gottermchar: boolean): OSErr; var oe: OSErr; procedure putByte (b: signedByte); { Put the byte b after the output handle, increasing the handle's size in the process. } var p: Ptr; begin p := Ptr(ord4(readPtr) + readPos); p^ := b; readPos := readPos + 1; end; var inChar: SignedByte; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); gottermchar := false; { Cycle until the timeout happens or we see the termintor character or we run out of room. } while (oe = noErr) and (readPos < readSize) and not gottermchar do begin { Get the next character. } oe := TCPReadByte(connection, charTimeOut, inChar); { Ignore the character if it's a zero. } if (oe = noErr) and (inChar <> 0) then begin { Put it in the result. } putByte(inChar); { Check for the end. } gottermchar := inChar = termChar; end; end; if oe = commandTimeOut then oe := noErr; TCPReceiveUpTo := oe; end; function TCPSend (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; writePtr: ptr; writeCount: integer): OSErr; var wds: wdsType; oe: OSErr; cb: TCPControlBlock; p: ptr; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); if oe = nOErr then if writeCount > 0 then begin wds.buffer := writePtr; wds.size := writeCount; wds.term := 0; ZeroCB(cb, connection^.stream, TCPcsSend); cb.send.wds := @wds; oe := PBControlSync(cb); end else if writeCount < 0 then oe := InvalidLength; TCPSend := oe; end; {$PUSH} {$D-} procedure TCPSendComplete (cbp: MyControlBlockPtr); var oe: OSErr; begin AddBlock(cbp^.tcp.send.wds); with cbp^.tcpc^ do begin asendcompletes := asendcompletes + 1; if (asendcompletes = asends) and closedone then begin asendcompletes := asendcompletes - 1; { Avoid race condition with TCPClose } oe := GetCB(cbp, cbp^.tcpc, TCPcsClose, closeuserptr, nil); { GetCB won't NewPtr because the completion has just released a block } if oe = noErr then oe := PBControlAsync(cbp); end; end; end; {$POP} function TCPSendAsync (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; writePtr: ptr; writeCount: integer; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; type myblock = record wds: wdsType; data: array[0..100] of byte; end; myblockptr = ^myblock; var oe: OSErr; cbp: MyControlBlockPtr; p: myblockptr; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); if oe = nOErr then if writeCount > 0 then begin p := myblockptr(NewPtr(writeCount + SizeOf(wdsType))); if p = nil then oe := memFullErr else begin p^.wds.buffer := @p^.data; p^.wds.size := writeCount; p^.wds.term := 0; with p^.wds do BlockMove(writePtr, buffer, size); oe := GetCB(cbp, connection, TCPcsSend, userptr, @TCPSendComplete); cbp^.tcp.send.wds := POINTER(p); with connection^ do asends := asends + 1; oe := PBControlAsync(cbp); if oe <> noErr then DisposPtr(ptr(p)); end; end else if writeCount < 0 then oe := InvalidLength; TCPSendAsync := oe; end; function TCPClose (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; userptr: OSErrPtr): OSErr; var oe: OSErr; cbp: MyControlBlockPtr; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); if oe = noErr then with connection^ do begin closeuserptr := userptr; if userptr <> nil then userptr^ := inProgress; closedone := true; if asends = asendcompletes then begin oe := GetCB(cbp, connection, TCPcsClose, userptr, nil); if oe = noErr then begin oe := PBControlAsync(cbp); end; end; end; SetUserPtr(userptr, oe); TCPClose := oe; end; function TCPAbort (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): OSErr; var oe: OSErr; cb: TCPControlBlock; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); if oe = noErr then begin ZeroCB(cb, connection^.stream, TCPcsAbort); oe := PBControlSync(cb); end; TCPAbort := oe; end; { Release the TCP stream, including the buffer.} function TCPRelease (var connection: TCPConnectionPtr): OSErr; var oe: OSErr; cb: TCPControlBlock; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); if oe = noErr then begin ZeroCB(cb, connection^.stream, TCPcsRelease); oe := PBControlSync(cb); DestroyConnection(connection); end; TCPRelease := oe; end; { TCPRawState(connectionID) -- Return the state of the TCP connection.} procedure TCPRawState (connection: TCPConnectionPtr; var state: integer; var localhost: longInt; var localport: integer; var remotehost: longInt; var remoteport: integer; var available: longInt); var cb: TCPControlBlock; oe: OSErr; begin oe := ValidateConnection(connection); localhost := 0; localport := 0; remotehost := 0; remoteport := 0; available := 0; if oe <> noErr then begin state := 99; { Error -> Closed } end else begin ZeroCB(cb, connection^.stream, TCPcsStatus); if PBControlSync(cb) <> noErr then begin state := 99; { Closed } end else begin state := cb.status.connectionState; localhost := cb.status.localhost; localport := cb.status.localport; remotehost := cb.status.remotehost; remoteport := cb.status.remoteport; available := cb.status.amtUnreadData + connection^.incomingSize; end; end; end; { Return the state of the TCP connection.} function TCPState (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): TCPStateType; var state: integer; localhost: longInt; localport: integer; remotehost: longInt; remoteport: integer; available: longInt; begin TCPRawState(connection, state, localhost, localport, remotehost, remoteport, available); case state of 0: TCPState := T_Closed; 2: TCPState := T_Listening; 4, 6: TCPState := T_Opening; 8: TCPState := T_Established; 10, 12, 16, 18, 20: TCPState := T_Closing; 14: TCPState := T_PleaseClose; 98: TCPState := T_WaitingForOpen; 99: TCPState := T_Closed; otherwise TCPState := T_Unknown; end; end; { Return the number of characters available for reading from the TCP connection.} function TCPCharsAvailable (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): longInt; var state: integer; localhost: longInt; localport: integer; remotehost: longInt; remoteport: integer; available: longInt; begin TCPRawState(connection, state, localhost, localport, remotehost, remoteport, available); TCPCharsAvailable := available; end; function TCPLocalPort (connection: TCPConnectionPtr): integer; var state: integer; localhost: longInt; localport: integer; remotehost: longInt; remoteport: integer; available: longInt; begin TCPRawState(connection, state, localhost, localport, remotehost, remoteport, available); TCPLocalPort := localport; end; function TCPFlush (connection: TCPConnectionptr): OSErr; var buffer: array[0..255] of signedByte; f: longInt; oe: OSErr; begin f := TCPCharsAvailable(connection); oe := noErr; while (f > 0) and (oe = noErr) do begin if f > 256 then f := 256; oe := TCPReceiveChars(connection, @buffer, f); if oe = noErr then f := TCPCharsAvailable(connection); end; TCPFlush := oe; end; end.